… & heres bidding Adieu!

Guitarist speaks…

…a relief note!

Finally, after four years of adjusting with low quality ‘not men’ species, we are free! & hopefully migrating towards greener pastures in life!:)

After all the bitching ranging from, “why isn’t the P capital in Populi?”…to…”mera branch mahan”…to…”making scam videos”…to…”the eternal SNIST s****”, I wonder if we have any integrity left, to write a testimonial for SNIST with a post script saying…,”i will miss you!”:)

SNIST still doesn’t have well defined grounds nor has the food in its canteen improved!…& offlate there has even been talk about the likes of CTS, Satyam etc…giving the Placement season a Miss!

But as they say, all is well, if it ends well!
(apna toh hogaya, and Pappu izz Pass also…!)
i will let the more intellectually-enlightened species take over…
‘i better go syphon the python before my bag bursts’ 🙂


Spy speaks…
…a best wishes note!

What do you call a person who picks up cheap lines from Chetan Bhagat novels and claims them to be his own?…at this space, we are used to address such beings as…’Guitarists’!

SNIST has gone through a sea change through the past four years,

–> Campus Wide Air Conditioning
–> Wi-Fi enabled Campus
–> Three Spanking new state of the art Buildings
–> Unparallel computing power…!
–> Elevated Grounds, seminar halls,…etc…

On the one side there is a lot of pleasure of being associated with such growth, and then there is the disappointment of not being the batch which could enjoy all these to the fullest!

On the other front there is an enormous amount of satisfaction of being associated with a plethora of student centric activities, thanks to the effort from many great souls from SNIST-04, SNIST now has a literary fest, a cultural fest, a prudent technical fest, a strong gaming circle, an exquisite robotics wing…and many such…blah…blah’s …which will prolly include even a football team which has won it’s maiden game!:)

It’s all Looking good at SNIST, good enough for future bearers to reach greater heights standing on the shoulders of what the current set of legendary beings have achieved!

heres wishing everyone, all the very best, for everything!

VJ speaks…
…a thank you note!

I have come across 3 types of people at SNIST,

Class1: the Uncouth, “what should I do, the college is like that!” Junta!
Class2: the Skillful, power hungry elite!
Class3: the Geek class, I want IIT/IIM/US coz I can raise my collar!

The third class of people still remains undecipherable for mortals like me, or maybe I just ignore them considering them to be fossils from the ancient modes of thinking!

The anonymity of the online world, has enabled me to give voices to the first 2 classes from SNIST,
Yes, Guitarist & Spy were my interpretations of Classes 1 & 2 in SNIST!
I hope you as an audience, had fun pinging this space to the same extent as we (maybe I) did in bringing it to you!

Today i.e. on 12th June 2008, this Blog celebrates its first year of Existence!
And for people who know me, posting this entry at 07:28:07 A.M (read without zeros) should probably convey the kind of effort that has gone into this Space.

I hope & pray that this blog survives the test of time and succeeds in acting as the common platform for all writing/creative talent from SNIST!

I value my education outside Block-2 more than what I gained inside it.
And to a great extent the past 12 months at this space have helped me complete the full circle of my Education from SNIST!

This will be my last post here & I would like to thank a few people without whom this Blog would never have happened!

So here is a big Thank You,
To the Fab-Four from snist03, for being the inspiration behind this exercise.
To a little man from the SCSI, for his invaluable inputs and a few other good reasons!
To all of my classmates, for many bad reasons! 🙂
To the elite few seated in the self cocooned chambers of the central block, for being THE reason!

Here is ME bidding adieu to SNIST-Blog,
Here is ME bidding adieu to SNIST,
Here is ME bidding adieu to you all.

VIJAY Garimella,

My Story || Greener pastures await me! || Orkut || Best of SNIST-Blog

Categories: BEST, SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 7 Comments

SNIST, a Blog & the IVY League…

Site updated…
we saw it coming & now we are proud of it…
the Official website of SNIST, now has it’s first version of the students’ portal!

the loginId & password being the the student’s RollNo.
though it has been outsourced to a company…

the bugs do continue…
for example…there is no notification for sucessful change of the password!
…and yes we are still terribly dissapointed with the layout of the homepage!

Lawns at SNIST:
It’s not a Barren Island anymore…there is indeed Greenery at SNIST.
The Admin Block has surrounded with Lush Green Grass!

The Famous ‘invisible’ Clock Tower has now been converted to World Class Flood Lights!
Lack of better Pics is regretted!…and is attributed to the diligence of the ‘Guitarst’!
…who takes, “Get me some pics of the grass!”…by the Word!:)

Edited by Guitarist: Better Pics Uploaded!


Edited by Guitarist: Better Pics Uploaded!

New URL for the Blog…if some of you dumb morons haven’t noticed it yet!
we have moved to a new URL!
snistscreamers will now redirect to snistblog…
thanks to our beloved guitarist!…what was supposed to be a 2 min, 10 dollar exercise!…became a nightmare spread over 2 days & 30 Dollars!

the initial idea was to….
go for…which our anna guitarist registered as!:)
and for the intellectually challenged!…
Dairy <--> A place where you get Milk/Amul etc…
Diary <--> A record with discrete entries arranged by date!:)
then we wondered if a Diary would be the right place to express opinions!
afterall we use diaries to just keep records of what happened through the day!

then we mulled on…(Guitarist called it, “the Online version of perestroika!”…now we do remember the history there…don’t we!)
…thus we ended up with the simplest of all options…by naming this space (SNIST-Blog: the Voice of SNIST…)
….hope you guys like it…and more importantly find it easier to key this into your address bars!:)

B-School Interview:the following is an excerpt from an IVY League B-School Interview…
P1: a General Management Lady Professor
P2: a Geeky ‘Dean of Admissions’ & IIT/IIM Alumunus!
Me: for now let’s just say Spy…!
Starts with comfortable things like family, background etc…and then…

P1: any hobbies?
Me: started listing out…stopped at writing blogs!
P1: do u have ur own blog…
Me: yes…it’s called SNIST Screamers…
P1: Why ‘Screamers’…why not something more melodious!
Me: the idea was to create a platform for students to vent their voices about things in the College…it goes with the Title…”the Voice of SNIST…”
P2: do you consider yourself to be a part of a closed system?
Me: not really, it is a blend of both Literary & Creative ideas…a place where people can publish their work, for others to see and comment on!, and more importantly an effort to integrate everything at one place to ensure maximum viewership…and the corresponding credibility!
P2: do the faculty write ur blog as well…?
Me: as of now, No, they do follow it!
P1: maybe they do…under some anonymous name!…(laughs!)

…and then…we move into the more uncomfortable…JNTU related Stuff!:)

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 3 Comments

Geek Talk…!

…Break the Stereotype!

Part-1: Placements.
TIME: September, 2005.
An elderly gentleman walks into a classroom where all it’s inmates are excited about their First year Results,
he vents out a lot of gibberish, the gist of which says,
“Dear Students, Congratulations on your Results!, all those getting above 60% are in the same boat, you need to work hard on your communication skills and put a lot of extras on your Resume!”
the arrogant 75% guy mulls hard on this idea…and plans to implement the 60% rule for the rest of his career at SNIST!
given the overall brilliance of this guy, the Extras on the resume were bound to swell with the passage of Time! …and then he gets placed….!now that’s one Incomplete Story…
a story which probably paints the Complete picture of most of the youth in SNIST!
what exactly should a person Aspire for…when he joins an Engineering Course?
1. The Job he gets…
2. The GRE Score & the American ViSa…
3. As some of my Uncouth mates put it…”Matrimonial Competence in the Dowry Market!” 🙂
i don’t see anything grossly wrong in any of the above reasons given the tight strings of the society we live in, but i have begun to wonder, at what point does “Learning the Subject” in the course we opted for come into the Picture?

Even at the risk of sounding extremely pope’ish, i dare to put forward this argument!
Now i do understand the difficulty associated with loosening the strings of the society let alone breaking them…
the point i am trying to make is, at what point does getting say 80% become an aspiration for the Student.

i know it would take a mammoth effort to change corporate hiring policies, but i feel it would be energy well spent…

For Example…
if there is a company…which would hire all Students with aggregates above 80% (without the aptitude test & the Interview!)
…and if that 80% itself has the package of the Communication Skills & the Extras.
in terms of better coursework in English, and credits for extracurricular Activities.
….Nothing Like It….isn’t it!(this along with status quo being maintained for 60%+ category)
…and what if these Jobs get the Highest Pay packages…Now there is Our Aspiration!
i believe there should be this window to promote competence in the course itself!
…maybe some effort from the Placement Cell in convincing the corporates might help…!
….for a start….the Elderly gentlemen can do away with the 60% rhetoric!:)

as for the other side of the story…
i hope, people still remember the argument against the 80% mechanical topper taking up an IT job! 🙂

Part-2: My College, What College!
yes….so now we have 2 world class seminar halls…and so what?
and thus we lost all the freedom to conduct large Scale Indoor Events!

just as an idea…to fill this void…(i am talking about 500+ seater…)
how about merging both the Drawing halls and create a larger Indoor Platform with better viewing angles and of course a better Roof!
i also believe for a student to have a sense of belonging inside the college…
he should know what the college is exactly made of…
for a startup…
how about having the plan of the Electrical Circuitry of the college for public display…after all the kinda backup for power we have is quite amazing!
how about having charts of the Type of Networks we have inside the computer labs…the strength of the HUB….the overall internet Bandwidth….and all such numbers…on Display for everyone to see!

Part-3: We the People…

if what we hear, is authentic enough… will soon be updated…and it would be hosted on a Server within the college, and that means we will have our own public IP, and scope to host all the sites for all our fests from the college itself!!….thts a lot of AND’s aren’t they?
let’s hope for the best…it terms of effort being put in, on this front!
in the mean time…

can someone make the Version:2 of the Software for collecting Placement Data…
the Inputs would be…
1. To Create an equally good Look & Feel without using FLASH,
2. to have a more authentic session management system,
3. to create more features & views, for the Admin, so that the placement cell can be given just the Admin account instead of the Database.
…and how about softwares for junta quiz, and stock market simulation at Adastra!
Junta Quiz could prolly have difficult to navigate GRE style Q/A pattern.
Stock Market Simulation could have 3 buttons for Buy, Sell & Hold, which would perform the operations automatically by taking the data from the website!

–>>Change is Refreshing…the process is Enriching<<-- br="">Cheers!~
P.S: I do understand that my views on Placements are slightly complicated, but as i always say, Disclaimer:”They are Mine”!

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 2 Comments

to ‘T’ or not to ‘T’…: L.I.V.E Version!

different people would have different interpretations of the title above!

it’s been a long time since i last painted this space
…probably have my, “special person” to blame!
must say quite a few things have changed since…
VJ has done a grt job with the look of the Blog…
or did he?

…wats the whole funda behind putting up banners of coll events here?
and tht moving banner for, “Wanna Write here?”…duh?

by the way…we do have eight writers at this Space!
…& they do Exist!:(…or do they?:)…anyways…!
“Guitarists are not made, they are Born!” … hehe!:)

anyways coming back to the Title!
what could the letter T mean for a person?
->the 20th Alphabet!
->a T Shirt!
->Tribbiani…ahh yes we love Friends!

(for the lesser informed F.R.I.E.N.D.S is a Popular Comedy Show!)
->Texas…ahh yes we love CowBoys!…no!

…not in the “Brokeback Mountain” Sense!
->Telangana…well if you did have the patience to go through the last post by Spy! … wosh…what a diplomatic overdose that was!
here is a question: “Who according to Spy would be the right Leader to handle this issue, if he tries to remain so painfully Neutral!?”

…and here is a thought!
tht KCR guy(…yah the one who has a fascination for PINK!)
should go out with a single point agenda into his byelection!
say…”Do you want Telangana…Yes or No”
now, as we are talking about his party’s StrongHold … i.e. Karimnagar!
we presume tht he would win it without much hassle!
so…how about all the parties withdrawing their candidates…
and have one consesus person!
someone with a larger than life persona!

…someone who can attract the masses!
say, if a Chiranjeevi could be bold enough to use this as his launchpad into politics!…saying that he is against the two state theory!
so tht would make it a one on one situation!…and would truely stand as a referendum!…and close the issue once and for all!
i say this…because there is a very important need to realize,

‘wats this movement all about!?’
if it is(as Spy indicated) merely about evoking petty sentiments among the masses, without constructive policy plans…then i seriously believe that a populist candidate like Chiranjeevi can prove the Truth!

…and yes this being just a byelection
…he would do no harm to his political future!

ahh…what crap!
(now that would be a mere possibility even in an Ideal World!)

a realistic prediction would be!
byelections would not happen anyway!…coz the general election would take place within the next six months(ahh..yes Nuke Deal!)

…there ends the story!
status quo would be maintained in the Assembly!…and another five years of the ‘T’ debate…on ‘T’V9!…so chill!

so what else with the letter ‘T’?
–>> ‘T’ for Talk!
i must confess that i have a fancy for courting controversy

…so lemme just ‘Talk!’

->Mr.VLCC renewed his contract with VLCC

… Odyssey is indeed round the corner!

->Spy says…the website for Odyssey recieved 200+ clicks from this very Blog!…does someone owe a thanks?!

->staying with Odyssey…the one thing missing on tht site would be a “French to English” dictionary!

…i am not even sure, if the event names are French!

->one of my friends actually went ahead and launched a portal for Students from SNIST!…i must say we all love everything about that Space including the banners!:)…except for the ‘Blog’…”hum saath saath hain”!…and yea, we do appreciate reciprocal links!:)

->Google is finally listing this Blog in it’s top ten links for ‘snist’!

->the ‘snist03‘ guys are furthering their legacy with their ‘fourwaystreet‘!
…a strongly recommended ‘must read’ for prospective passouts!

->At 46 Barack Obama, is running for Washington!
…the next time your DAD says Suhas Gopinath…hehe…need i say more!

->….and yah…the only thing VJ did write in this Blog

….was about the BasketBall court getting ready by Oct 2007!:)

->it’s the first week March and there isnt a Scent of Sprihaa yet!
…all the more reason to say Kudos to the guys doing Odyssey!

->4-2 is the wierdest of all semisters!…many of my friends have started coming to college for the first time this week!
…no wonder there is such a rush in the grounds these days!

->we thought we had the ‘worst’ with the Software Engineering guy!
…we were wrong!
we have a similar subject…with an even bigger specimen!

…well that only means more FUN!

well if our Admin doesn’t remove me after this post, i for sure will write about him in the future!…no!…not the Admin!
…but the “Bigger Specimen Guy”!~

until then,

P.S: In an Information age, Computers do Qualify as Special Persons!

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 2 Comments

Anagram Mania @ SNIST

An Anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
For example, Elvis to Lives.

the following are the Anagrams for some of the most common Objects, Faces ‘n’ Bodies at SNIST.

try your hand at cracking the code,
(with the help of the clues following the Anagram)
Post your answers as comments on this Post!

“Its Cohesive Font” (the title somewhere!)

“Scares Minsters” (…and take pride at that!)

“Arts Gyps” (Old but not Gold!)

“Naked Dry Vet” (stop scratching that beard!)

“Vagina Ran Ass Rip” (but i am virgin…”formal”ly!)

“Dramas Drain Hype” (ahh yes permission please…WTF)

“Ham Kit” (the porsche…)

“Rad Suave Ova” (the wattless current!)

“Rum Via Ark” (as i play…so i reap)

“Satire Poker” (the floored aftermath!)

“Bib Succor Lot” (but my BOT rocx!)

“Bravo Ode” (doing banners Kingsize!)

“See Eve Jets Inn” (our very own Jr!)

“Sugar I Tit” (our very own Sulker!)

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 14 Comments

2007: the SNIST Story!

Story of the Year: P.G Sastry retiring & resurfacing for the 4th time.
insiders say,”nonfunctional mosquito repelents inside his cabin was the reason this time”!

Hit of the Year: Undoubtedly, the Placements going Places!
…the Screamers come a close Second!(who says we dont brag!)

Dud of the Year: Lack of All In One’s for 4th year Optionals!

BackLog of the Year: JNTU failing to upload Results on it’s site and having send them manually to all Colleges!

Online Event of the Year: A certain AgentSmith hacking the “Owner’s Account” of the already dead, SNIST Orkut Community!

InHouse Event of the Year: “Sprihaa-07″…no not the fest!…but PNR’s awesome yells at the Chaired ProShow…ably assisted by the Late Mr.Morpheus!

PNR’s moment of the Year: Lining up watchmen to cashin on every soul wearing blue Jeans!

Sad Moment of the Year: Bhanu Prakash(CSE 4/4) being HiT by a Train!

Moment of the Year: The Physical Director promising a Basky court by August-07!

Claim to Fame of the Year: The WatchMan interpreting “03”(the RollNumer) on certain guy’s ID card as 3rd year….& calling Mr Venkat Reddy!

Construction of the Year: The Football Field!(yes we have one now!)
…filling up of the gaint ManHole behind the Mech Sheds comes a close Second!

AC of the Year: the one above the CASH counter in the Canteen!

LAN Game of the Year: Fake gaming folders in shared mode during the Lab Exams! ….the GamerzZone @ Adastra comes Second!

Department of the Year: close one this…but…CSE walks away triumphant!
…for withstanding 3 HOD’s within a span of 3 months!

Adastra of the Year: “RoboVeda-07″…the Club is for sure, going for the Stars!

Critic’s Choice Movie of the Year: Taare Zameen Par(dyslexia in the Admin Block)

Populist Movie of the Year: Happy Days (tommorow’s SNIST)

WorkMan of the Year: PNR…for arranging 300 chairs within 10 minutes for the Rock Show @ Odyssey-07!

Faculty of the Year: for the 3rd year running…Mr Ramulu (asst Physical Director) …our ‘Jaadu ki Jappi’ for a deserving Person!

Student of the Year: Mr.PNR for attending the maximum number of seminars!

Dude of the Year: the Counseller who worked on Mr.VLCC.

Chick of the Year: the female who was wearing a Black Skirt during the Vaughn College TieUp Meet!…RJ Adonica comes Second!

PopUp of the Year: a certain Youth, popping up, “Adonica, will you marry me?”…during Sprihaa-07!

MAN of the Year: K.T.Mahi for getting the football field done in 2 weeks!

Event of the Year: the Canteen shifting to a NonVeg cuisine, after spotting cockroaches in Veg version!

the SNIST act of the Year: the half finished Compound Wall!

Short Film Maker of the Year: Our very Own Jeeves InTeens for his Pareeksha!

PhotoGraph of the Year: Along the RailwayLine, by MaruthiRaghuveer!

Article of the Year: LeadIndia Campaign on the PlacementCell NoticeBoard!

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 4 Comments

exams, we, boredom ‘n’ SNIST !

“sometimes, somethings, with no co-relation, when put together,
are so horribly Bad, that they are Good!” —Farah Khan

hey junta,
…we are back!
thx to our ‘best practices’ policy of not painting this place in November & April,there was already some speculation within the super pessimistic circles at SNIST, that this Blog is going to End!

sorry!…i am about to dissapoint all such creatures!
i must also confess that i never really liked the Idea of not posting stuff during exams, 1700+ pageviews, 650+ distinct visitors, even when there were no posts for 30 days!
(i hope the next time our Admin makes such rules, he would atleast bother taking our Opinion)

anyways…now for more Bloggable material!

the first few days after the exams are real wierd territory!
after all the slug, now the nothingness of having to do only nothing!
especially in my case, with all my friends off to their own favorite pass times…things which i have no interest in!

for instance,
Spy(our Admin/rulemaker) has taken to his inverted methods of “jumping walls, kickin ‘n’ blockin ballz”, watching him play football is analogous to one of those RoadRunner shows…all run & no play!

VJ(our template editor/widget manager) is alternating between weight loss badminton sessions and late night LAN parties!
i cant talk much about his NFS prowess, but yes as for Badminton…after all those FiveStars in the Lunch…there are bound to be some bulky behinds Inn there!
another thing worth the share would be his head shaving exploits!
yesh…he went to the cleaners for the 6th time(nah not the metaphor for getting ruined by the 6th semister exams….but the relatively less painful BladeJobs)

all of my other nerdy friends too are off to Goa’n skirt chasing missions!
leaving me with the Squirts @
Pappu Pichkari!
well i am actually doing things that the guys mentioned above wouldnt dare to!

the complexity, dedication & the physical effort required to do what i do is well beyond many lesser mortals!

and here is what i do…
12 hrs of rigorous slumber sessions, 4 hrs of
Pappu Pichkari, 2hrs of unabated Gluttony & 6 hrs of nothingness! … dont calculate the SUM….try to beat tht Bitches!

hmm yea!….maybe i deserve the peace!
in the past 4 months, i have written 17 mock GRE’s, 22 mock CAT’s, 32 internals & 8 Externals … flunked brilliantly in most of them!
…and trust me, thats the case with most 4th yrs, and if you are not there already, trust me, you will get there soon!

also interesting were our exploits in the Lab Exams, our methods included cell phones, intra LAN file sharing, email and what not!…..but the junta who eventually were caught were the ones using the more traditional modes like paper….no respect for tradition here 🙂

the one thing we are left with is a last semister project, which (thx to our new HOD(who apparently is an ardent reader of this Blog)) would be reaching us at a 25% disount!

…and yes we didnt forget our promise of giving our new HOD a nick!
so ladies…heres introducing Amorphous! (in sync both with his volatile temper ‘n’ his predecessor(Morpheus!))

going back to the misery of the exams, SNIST had a new twist this semister.

now imagine,
you are trying to write the five answers which you managed to memorize, no matter what the questions asked are!
…and there is this guy, who runs his hand down into your private space, searching for things that are hard & might vibrate at times!
that was the watchman searching our bags for camphones!…what did you think :)!

…add that to the frequent interruptions by the bearers of the Placement cell & the Science & Humanities Dept…..those were exams worth the miss!

particularly in our case with the timings from 2 to 5 p.m,
now try to remember the one thing we all did in the period after lunch (slumber!)
and now we write Exams in that Zone!…..ahh yes Thank U!

and before we change topics,
could someone ask those ever interrupting mudheads to scan thru this space for
older posts, so tht they understand, how much we hate the ideas of DressCode and Banning Camphones.

…on a more positive note could someone make proper use of the 1.2 lakhs tht was collected as fine!
maybe finishing the compound wall would be a good idea, for ppl who wokeup late, yes SNIST now owns a half completed compound wall (nothing to worry for the purists, all traditional exit points are still unguarded!)

and in more news from SNIST:
there was this pretty relevant and interesting comment made by a certain Non Returning Indian alumini of SNIST on my previous post about the
The Perestroika,
“ther wil always be some chunk of illiterate,uncouth,immature,uninformed,i am king of college “em ra bai em paperlu ayyi ” types…jus ignore it and look ahead…”

…an important question for most of us to ponder on:
which category do we belong to:
the uncouth majority!
or the responsible minority!
and please dont categorize yourself simply on the basis of being a reader or writer at this Blog…there is a lot to be done on the Ground at SNIST!

even more interesting was this story from a certain Mr.MICA…acussing a certain Mr.VLCC of stealing 12k from a certain literary festival!
reports say…Mr.VLCC actually used the said amount to pay off his dues at VLCC!
all this to win the affections of a certain Ms.M…for whom he has lost 44kg’s of polysaccharides and 4 yrs of sanity!
(now we are nor certainly certain about what is really Certain!)
further…we wouldnt want to speculate on what Mr.VLCC would have to lose inorder to get Ms.M*…but as philosophy says…maybe the saccharide count never mattered…maybe the sanity did!

i also find it interesting to speculate on how each of the above three characters would react on reading this…

Mr.MICA: “m.c…b.c…kitne paise diya unhe…yaha likne ke liye…m.c….b.c”
Mr.VLCC: “dude, u gonna spill some heamoglobin now!”
Ms.M* : “anyways, i dont read your Blog or whatever
(read “anyways” in British & “whatever” in American accents!)
*(before the placement cell starts running behind my behinds…let me clarify tht Ms.M this time doesnt imply Moderator!)

ahh tht felt good!

and finally heres some food for thought!
sometime back….we memorized a lot of books to write One Exam(Eamcet) & complained tht the System sucks!
Now, we memorize One book(All In One) for all our Exams & still complain about the System!

…where do you think, the Problem lies?
heres to Engineering,…heres to SNIST!

Categories: BEST, SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 4 Comments

Perestroika4…the Aftermath!

firstly let me make it clear that Perestroika4 has surpassed all it’s precedents in terms of Quality — physical, language ‘n’ Ideas wise!


what’s the point in releasing it so late…
when the already mediocre number of junta who eventually turn up, are there just to finish up their lab work.
the best testimony for this i am sure would be the volume of undistributed copies lying there in the academic section!
being a person who understand’s the pains that go into the making of a newsletter, i would only like to say….”try to get the maximum response in terms of reaching out to your target audience”
that also means keeping basic logistics in mind! (release dates for example)
i dont want to dampen the spirits of “Team Perestroika” by being harsh!…i say it again P4 is better than it’s precedents!

to keep it simple:
1st semister Newsletter should be out in September!
2nd semister Odyssey in January(if at all you plan to do it as an exclusive Vox only fest!(apart from Sprihaa!)), Newsletter in Feb!

i hope this reaches the people who matter! (the ones currently at helm!)
these are not checkboxes which we need to fill, for a good CV, let there be some passion in bringing them out!…coz they represent the Voice of SNIST!

Edit by Spy: Download Perestroika4

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 1 Comment

SNIST.COM…what a farce!!

on one of those Gloomy days, when you seem to have all the time on earth to kill!

when slumber ceased to be my favorite activity…my eyes awaited the monitor to turn them Red!

i was getting constant pings from some ugly looking phillipine girl, to check whether i really was the Salman Khan, i put up on my profile pic on ‘Y!’ …eesh did i just say tht!

i was getting bugged and bored to no end…!
to get a slight reprieve from the constant “dings”…i thought i should explore Google!
My day was only to get worse…when i ended up typing apna ‘SNIST’ on Gsearch’s “I’m Feeling Lucky”!

what followed were an array of shocks….which after some contemplation truely determined what the real problem with SNIST is!

the initial problem is with the homepage…which shows a wierd login prompt…which never accepts any username!…leave alone the homepage’s horrible look!

tht is followed by massively incomplete fields and pages…most notably the admissions tab…which is completely barren!

the entire site is such an epitome of ambiguity!
not withstanding the confusion it creates for a newbie!
for example: we already have such a buzz around the campus of who is the real power centre @SNIST…looks like this site has the answer!

and now reading between the lines:
for a start 25 acres is by no means..”Sprawling” and yah it for sure is Sylvan(Rural)!

the site also talks about awards instituted by people who are no longer associated with SNIST!

and yeah the most annoying bit from a CSIT point of view:

and even the archiac stuff they put up is not good enough!
check the wierd look on MrMahi’s face(looks like even he is pissed with the college Day!)…of all the pics…why did they choose to put this one up!!

the most mundane stuff such as faculty lists are not updated and are completely flawed!

for all the crap out there!!…i have got no patience to write on…at this point maybe i was wondering…if responding to that filipina would have been better!!
just scan thru the flash object below and you will know!

and last but not the least…the damned Student’s corner…which i advise you guys to check for yourself…the “will be’s”…”shall be’s” would certainly drive you paranoid!

and to put the icing on the cake!
when i tried to report all these problems in the suspicious looking Guestbook!
this is wat followed…..!!!

kya tho bhi this site izz…

so as i said earlier…i think i now know what the real problem with SNIST is…!!!
there seems to an inevitable sense of false identity…
between what we are and what we can be….we seem to fake what ‘we want to be’…
may that be from me doing Salman Khan….to the never ending cliches of NBA accredation and TEQIP…WorldBank and so on…(by people who are better left unnamed!)
…where in we only forget doing the bare minimum…to keep life Normal!!

that was too much prophecy there…in simpler terms…can someone do something about that damn Site!
…and ofcourse…could someone give me a crash course on getting rid of Phillipine Women!!

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 5 Comments

Mr Morpheus…the Opera Ends!!

get married, have lots of children, help others when they ask you for it(to be read, out of context with respect to the first two phrases!)“…those were the final words of the ONE…we more famously recall as ‘Morpheus’.

from the royal wave of the Hand…to the art of yelling without Reason.
from those unparalled history classes(ah yes … MarkAnthony rox)… to the ‘two tile’ theory.

Morpheus has left us with more content for gossip, than probably any other Professor would ever have!

…ahh Open those windows…
…this place stinks(do u know the difference between a cow & a buffallo)…
…the way you dress and the way you address are very important…
…I am sorry if it hurts you but believe me its the truth…
…Come to my cabin I will show you what I am…
…as the saying goes…Better late than never…
…When i was in Morrocco, my students rated me 4.5 on 5 point scale…
…Disinclination to learning when it is a Dire Necessity is a Crime of the Highest Order…
…I like to take the bull by its horns!!!!!!!! …
….i’ll crush u with my iron hand….
…in a lighter vein or nothing derrogatory about it !…
…i dont give a shit…
…I WILL CUT IT & trust me, i am not talking about your tails…
…I firmly believe in it…
during attendence: for girls:konchum aagavamma…for guys: em babu aagatledha…

in a way it’s sad that he has left SNIST and there is no doubt that columns such as these wouldnt be this FUN if not for him!

for people who still dont know!…Morpheus has left SNIST for another college where he will be…Principal!

i hope he would still take classes there…moreso coz most of us would agree, “it is one of the best ways to maintain his sanity levels”

as they say, all good things should come to an End … so has SriNidhi’s “Memorable Ordeal” with Morpheus … heres wishing him goodwill from all the souls at SNIST!!

i hope this doesnt come in the way of him giving us a Reco… but still!

so thts that from this exclusive CSE corner…Until we find a nick for our new HOD and loads of content to Spoof on him…

…this is Spy & Guitarist…signing off for the Screamers!
Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 2 Comments

the Voice @ SNIST…err..where is it???

“an attempt, to bring to focus, the lethargy that seems to have set in”
after all the noise, for the voice, harsh reality beckons!
PhotoCredit: LV, RGP, & Spy

wat are notice boards meant for?…are they not the true showcases of the Voice of the People?
are they not, atleast in a sense more superior to the once in a while newsletters, which come out and end up flying off the parapet walls?
dont they serve as a reflection of the vibrancy in the campus & act as precursors’ to the energy that is required for organizing, any College Festival?

all these are questions, with very obvious answers,…
…answers which need Actions,…
…Actions which truely justify the Noise we have made for the Voice!
Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 5 Comments