
… & heres bidding Adieu!

Guitarist speaks…

…a relief note!

Finally, after four years of adjusting with low quality ‘not men’ species, we are free! & hopefully migrating towards greener pastures in life!:)

After all the bitching ranging from, “why isn’t the P capital in Populi?”…to…”mera branch mahan”…to…”making scam videos”…to…”the eternal SNIST s****”, I wonder if we have any integrity left, to write a testimonial for SNIST with a post script saying…,”i will miss you!”:)

SNIST still doesn’t have well defined grounds nor has the food in its canteen improved!…& offlate there has even been talk about the likes of CTS, Satyam etc…giving the Placement season a Miss!

But as they say, all is well, if it ends well!
(apna toh hogaya, and Pappu izz Pass also…!)
i will let the more intellectually-enlightened species take over…
‘i better go syphon the python before my bag bursts’ 🙂


Spy speaks…
…a best wishes note!

What do you call a person who picks up cheap lines from Chetan Bhagat novels and claims them to be his own?…at this space, we are used to address such beings as…’Guitarists’!

SNIST has gone through a sea change through the past four years,

–> Campus Wide Air Conditioning
–> Wi-Fi enabled Campus
–> Three Spanking new state of the art Buildings
–> Unparallel computing power…!
–> Elevated Grounds, seminar halls,…etc…

On the one side there is a lot of pleasure of being associated with such growth, and then there is the disappointment of not being the batch which could enjoy all these to the fullest!

On the other front there is an enormous amount of satisfaction of being associated with a plethora of student centric activities, thanks to the effort from many great souls from SNIST-04, SNIST now has a literary fest, a cultural fest, a prudent technical fest, a strong gaming circle, an exquisite robotics wing…and many such…blah…blah’s …which will prolly include even a football team which has won it’s maiden game!:)

It’s all Looking good at SNIST, good enough for future bearers to reach greater heights standing on the shoulders of what the current set of legendary beings have achieved!

heres wishing everyone, all the very best, for everything!

VJ speaks…
…a thank you note!

I have come across 3 types of people at SNIST,

Class1: the Uncouth, “what should I do, the college is like that!” Junta!
Class2: the Skillful, power hungry elite!
Class3: the Geek class, I want IIT/IIM/US coz I can raise my collar!

The third class of people still remains undecipherable for mortals like me, or maybe I just ignore them considering them to be fossils from the ancient modes of thinking!

The anonymity of the online world, has enabled me to give voices to the first 2 classes from SNIST,
Yes, Guitarist & Spy were my interpretations of Classes 1 & 2 in SNIST!
I hope you as an audience, had fun pinging this space to the same extent as we (maybe I) did in bringing it to you!

Today i.e. on 12th June 2008, this Blog celebrates its first year of Existence!
And for people who know me, posting this entry at 07:28:07 A.M (read without zeros) should probably convey the kind of effort that has gone into this Space.

I hope & pray that this blog survives the test of time and succeeds in acting as the common platform for all writing/creative talent from SNIST!

I value my education outside Block-2 more than what I gained inside it.
And to a great extent the past 12 months at this space have helped me complete the full circle of my Education from SNIST!

This will be my last post here & I would like to thank a few people without whom this Blog would never have happened!

So here is a big Thank You,
To the Fab-Four from snist03, for being the inspiration behind this exercise.
To a little man from the SCSI, for his invaluable inputs and a few other good reasons!
To all of my classmates, for many bad reasons! 🙂
To the elite few seated in the self cocooned chambers of the central block, for being THE reason!

Here is ME bidding adieu to SNIST-Blog,
Here is ME bidding adieu to SNIST,
Here is ME bidding adieu to you all.

VIJAY Garimella,

My Story || Greener pastures await me! || Orkut || Best of SNIST-Blog

Categories: BEST, SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 7 Comments

SNIST, a Blog & the IVY League…

Site updated…
we saw it coming & now we are proud of it…
the Official website of SNIST, now has it’s first version of the students’ portal!

the loginId & password being the the student’s RollNo.
though it has been outsourced to a company…

the bugs do continue…
for example…there is no notification for sucessful change of the password!
…and yes we are still terribly dissapointed with the layout of the homepage!

Lawns at SNIST:
It’s not a Barren Island anymore…there is indeed Greenery at SNIST.
The Admin Block has surrounded with Lush Green Grass!

The Famous ‘invisible’ Clock Tower has now been converted to World Class Flood Lights!
Lack of better Pics is regretted!…and is attributed to the diligence of the ‘Guitarst’!
…who takes, “Get me some pics of the grass!”…by the Word!:)

Edited by Guitarist: Better Pics Uploaded!


Edited by Guitarist: Better Pics Uploaded!

New URL for the Blog…if some of you dumb morons haven’t noticed it yet!
we have moved to a new URL!
snistscreamers will now redirect to snistblog…
thanks to our beloved guitarist!…what was supposed to be a 2 min, 10 dollar exercise!…became a nightmare spread over 2 days & 30 Dollars!

the initial idea was to….
go for…which our anna guitarist registered as!:)
and for the intellectually challenged!…
Dairy <--> A place where you get Milk/Amul etc…
Diary <--> A record with discrete entries arranged by date!:)
then we wondered if a Diary would be the right place to express opinions!
afterall we use diaries to just keep records of what happened through the day!

then we mulled on…(Guitarist called it, “the Online version of perestroika!”…now we do remember the history there…don’t we!)
…thus we ended up with the simplest of all options…by naming this space (SNIST-Blog: the Voice of SNIST…)
….hope you guys like it…and more importantly find it easier to key this into your address bars!:)

B-School Interview:the following is an excerpt from an IVY League B-School Interview…
P1: a General Management Lady Professor
P2: a Geeky ‘Dean of Admissions’ & IIT/IIM Alumunus!
Me: for now let’s just say Spy…!
Starts with comfortable things like family, background etc…and then…

P1: any hobbies?
Me: started listing out…stopped at writing blogs!
P1: do u have ur own blog…
Me: yes…it’s called SNIST Screamers…
P1: Why ‘Screamers’…why not something more melodious!
Me: the idea was to create a platform for students to vent their voices about things in the College…it goes with the Title…”the Voice of SNIST…”
P2: do you consider yourself to be a part of a closed system?
Me: not really, it is a blend of both Literary & Creative ideas…a place where people can publish their work, for others to see and comment on!, and more importantly an effort to integrate everything at one place to ensure maximum viewership…and the corresponding credibility!
P2: do the faculty write ur blog as well…?
Me: as of now, No, they do follow it!
P1: maybe they do…under some anonymous name!…(laughs!)

…and then…we move into the more uncomfortable…JNTU related Stuff!:)

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 3 Comments

Geek Talk…!

…Break the Stereotype!

Part-1: Placements.
TIME: September, 2005.
An elderly gentleman walks into a classroom where all it’s inmates are excited about their First year Results,
he vents out a lot of gibberish, the gist of which says,
“Dear Students, Congratulations on your Results!, all those getting above 60% are in the same boat, you need to work hard on your communication skills and put a lot of extras on your Resume!”
the arrogant 75% guy mulls hard on this idea…and plans to implement the 60% rule for the rest of his career at SNIST!
given the overall brilliance of this guy, the Extras on the resume were bound to swell with the passage of Time! …and then he gets placed….!now that’s one Incomplete Story…
a story which probably paints the Complete picture of most of the youth in SNIST!
what exactly should a person Aspire for…when he joins an Engineering Course?
1. The Job he gets…
2. The GRE Score & the American ViSa…
3. As some of my Uncouth mates put it…”Matrimonial Competence in the Dowry Market!” 🙂
i don’t see anything grossly wrong in any of the above reasons given the tight strings of the society we live in, but i have begun to wonder, at what point does “Learning the Subject” in the course we opted for come into the Picture?

Even at the risk of sounding extremely pope’ish, i dare to put forward this argument!
Now i do understand the difficulty associated with loosening the strings of the society let alone breaking them…
the point i am trying to make is, at what point does getting say 80% become an aspiration for the Student.

i know it would take a mammoth effort to change corporate hiring policies, but i feel it would be energy well spent…

For Example…
if there is a company…which would hire all Students with aggregates above 80% (without the aptitude test & the Interview!)
…and if that 80% itself has the package of the Communication Skills & the Extras.
in terms of better coursework in English, and credits for extracurricular Activities.
….Nothing Like It….isn’t it!(this along with status quo being maintained for 60%+ category)
…and what if these Jobs get the Highest Pay packages…Now there is Our Aspiration!
i believe there should be this window to promote competence in the course itself!
…maybe some effort from the Placement Cell in convincing the corporates might help…!
….for a start….the Elderly gentlemen can do away with the 60% rhetoric!:)

as for the other side of the story…
i hope, people still remember the argument against the 80% mechanical topper taking up an IT job! 🙂

Part-2: My College, What College!
yes….so now we have 2 world class seminar halls…and so what?
and thus we lost all the freedom to conduct large Scale Indoor Events!

just as an idea…to fill this void…(i am talking about 500+ seater…)
how about merging both the Drawing halls and create a larger Indoor Platform with better viewing angles and of course a better Roof!
i also believe for a student to have a sense of belonging inside the college…
he should know what the college is exactly made of…
for a startup…
how about having the plan of the Electrical Circuitry of the college for public display…after all the kinda backup for power we have is quite amazing!
how about having charts of the Type of Networks we have inside the computer labs…the strength of the HUB….the overall internet Bandwidth….and all such numbers…on Display for everyone to see!

Part-3: We the People…

if what we hear, is authentic enough… will soon be updated…and it would be hosted on a Server within the college, and that means we will have our own public IP, and scope to host all the sites for all our fests from the college itself!!….thts a lot of AND’s aren’t they?
let’s hope for the best…it terms of effort being put in, on this front!
in the mean time…

can someone make the Version:2 of the Software for collecting Placement Data…
the Inputs would be…
1. To Create an equally good Look & Feel without using FLASH,
2. to have a more authentic session management system,
3. to create more features & views, for the Admin, so that the placement cell can be given just the Admin account instead of the Database.
…and how about softwares for junta quiz, and stock market simulation at Adastra!
Junta Quiz could prolly have difficult to navigate GRE style Q/A pattern.
Stock Market Simulation could have 3 buttons for Buy, Sell & Hold, which would perform the operations automatically by taking the data from the website!

–>>Change is Refreshing…the process is Enriching<<-- br="">Cheers!~
P.S: I do understand that my views on Placements are slightly complicated, but as i always say, Disclaimer:”They are Mine”!

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 2 Comments

Sneak Peek…

well it’s 10 in the night and there seems to be no sign of the post that ‘Spy’ promised us!
…maybe that’s being symbolic of what we actually did in our 4-2!…Nothing!
Except for editing a few lines of code imported from elsewhere(4-2 Project!)…and printing 100 pages from Wikipedia(4-2 Project Report!)…and of course coming to college over weekends to overhear the Legend of each other’s Nothingness in Life!

to break the Stereotype mentioned above…i scanned through Google to find some interesting Blogs by SNISTian’s(from the alumni league!)….which i can now safely say, are a Must Read!

Talking about must reads…here are my Top#7 picks from this Blog itself…
to call yourself a follower of this space…the startup would be to go through these posts…which by general public opinion are Fun to Read!

#1: exams, we, boredom ‘n’ SNIST !

#2: Coded in Jeans…

#3: You heard of Hector?

#4: to ‘T’ or not to ‘T’…: L.I.V.E Version!

#5: Perestroika4…the Aftermath!

#6: the Voice @ SNIST…err..where is it???

#7: SNIST.COM…what a farce!!

now for the stuff i scanned for …and then fell in love with!
First on the list…i am sure most have already pinged this One!

-> SNIST the end of the end.

Second on the list is an Epilogue to the one mentioned above!

-> Four Way Street

Next is a blog by the only person from SNIST to have made it to Stanford!

-> A Blog, or something like it

…and the Last one is the blog of the Original Founder of the Orkut Community for SNIST, he also happens to be one of the rare souls from SNIST to have made it to an IIM!

-> MyTh RooLz !!!

there are lots of other Blogs on SNIST, by the current crop of Students!
…if you have the time to Kill…Check them Out!
…especially the First One on those search Results!:)
i wish all those guys would someday show interest in becoming writers on this Space!

News just Inn: Spy is apparently suffering from a severe bout of constipation:)…after gulping 3 bags of potato waffers…hoping that Chelsea loses the Champions League Semifinal…till 3 in the night! … that sure is a lot of Indigestion to Take!
…that still doesn’t give him an excuse to keep us waiting…does it?

P.S: Manchester United will Kick some Blue Ass in Abramovich’s own Backyard!

Categories: snist04 | 2 Comments

‘F.R.I.E.N.D.S’ Trivia…

hmm…so it’s Exams time again, that time of the year…when we stare hard at recycled paper from Spectrum’s printing press!

as the title might have already indicated(if u r urbane enough i.e.!), this post is not about me screaming all over again, about the ifs & buts…of SNIST!

anyways do watch out for our semester ending special titled, “the what to do, for a 4-2, JNTU!” on the 1st of May!

as a concised take on that, here is one thing i did do,
10 seasons of F.R.I.E.N.D.S in 20 days…3 TIMES OVER!…beat that for an IdleBrain!:)
a recommended MUST…for all morons who don’t know about it! …i know!…that sounds sad!…but hey,…i bet 65 of the 71 souls in my class wouldn’t have even heard of it!…yeah u can ‘boo’!…and maybe yeah…they deserve it:(!

here is my way of saluting…what is probably the Greatest Comedy Series Ever!

* The First Episode was aired on 22nd September, 1994.

* Courtney Cox was originally asked to play Rachel, but she asked to play Monica instead after reading the parts.

* Other titles considered for the show were “Friends Like Us,” “Six of One,” and “Across the Hall.” “Insomnia Cafe” was also considered.

* The golden frame around the peephole was originally a mirror which one of the crew accidentally smashed. But because it still looked good they decided to leave it there.

* Ursula Buffay, Phoebe’s twin sister, is a waitress in the TV show “Mad About You” (1992). Fran (Leila Kenzle) and Jamie (Helen Hunt) visit the coffee shop and mistake Phoebe for Ursula in one episode of Friends.

* Three cast members from “The Simpsons” (1989) make guest appearances in the series: Dan Castellaneta, Hank Azaria, and Harry Shearer.

* Columbus State University has a paleontologist called Dr. David R. Schwimmer.

* Emma was played by twins – Cali Sheldon and Noelle Sheldon.

* Because of a bet between Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis on the set of The Whole Nine Yards (2000) (which Perry won), Willis appeared in his two-episode guest role for free.

* Rachel and Ross had sex a total of 300 times. Ross said in “The One with the Cop” that they’d had sex 298 times. The 299th time resulted in the birth of Emma. The 300th time was the night before Rachel leaves for Paris.

* Rachel’s favorite flowers are lilies.

* Joey’s seven sisters are Veronica, Mary Angela, Mary Theresa, Gina, Dina, Tina, and Cookie.

* When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.

* Joey’s pick-up line, “How *you* doin’?” was ranked #4 in TV Guide’s list of “TV’s 20 Top Catchphrases” (21-27 August 2005 issue).

* Rachel had a nose job during her time at college.

* In the last few months of shooting Friends, Courtney Cox became pregnant, but, seeing as Monica wasn’t supposed to be able to have a baby, they covered up her pregnancy by making her wear baggy clothes while shooting the show so no one could tell.

* In the first couple of episodes Chandler and Joey’s apartment number was #4 and Monica and Rachel’s apartment number was #5. However, in the later episodes, they are 19 and 20 respectively because the producers noted that 4 and 5 corresponded to apartments on lower floors and the Friends’ apartments were higher up the building.

* The first and last episodes are the only ones in the entire series that do not begin with “The One…”. The first episode is called “The Pilot”, and the final episode is called “The Last One”. However, the first episode has a different version of its name, namely “The one where it all began (The Pilot)” “The One Hundredth” also doesn’t perfectly fit this pattern.

* James Michael Tyler was actually working in Bourgeois Pig, a coffee shop in Hollywood, when he got the part of Gunther. He kept his coffee gig for the first four seasons of Friends.

* Gunther was not originally a speaking part.

* June Gable who plays Joey’s agent, June Gable, also played a nurse who delivered a baby for Leah Remini (who originally auditioned for the role of Monica) in the episode where Ross and Carol have their own baby. Joey assisted his future agent by being the breathing coach during labor.

* Lisa Kudrow was terrified of the duck that showed up in Season 3.

* Courteney Cox added Arquette to the end of her name after her marriage to David Arquette between seasons five and six. Her father, Richard L. Cox, died in 2001 and during the midst of the ninth season, she dropped the Arquette in her father’s memory.

* Matt LeBlanc’s character ‘Joey Tribbiani’ plays Dr. Drake Ramoray in a fictional version of the NBC soap opera “Days of Our Lives” (1965). In real life, Jennifer Aniston’s father, John Aniston, plays ‘Victor Kiriakis’ on the real Days of Our Lives.

* As with most sitcoms, episode titles are not shown. As a joking reference to this, the official names of Friends episodes take the form “The One where…” (or similar).

* Is filmed on the same soundstage that was used for the filming of the sitcom _”Full House” (1987/I)_ during the last two seasons (1993-1995) of it’s eight year run (1987-1995). The pilot of “Friends” was shot on stage 33 (the same stage as “Living Single” (1993)) at the Warner Ranch, and the first season was shot is Warner Bros Stage 5, now the home of “Everybody Loves Raymond” (1996)) from 1987-1995.

* At one point, Jennifer Aniston was shooting this series, Bruce Almighty (2003) and Along Came Polly (2004) at the same time.

* 30-second commercial spots to take place in the final ever episode sold in the UK for £1.2 million (approx $1.8 million), the most expensive commercial slots of any TV program in England with the exception of sports.

* The first member of the cast to get a role in a Hollywood film was Marcel the Monkey.

* Before the show was cast, the main love interest was intended to be Monica and Joey.

* Jennifer Aniston agreed to return for the series’ 2003-04 season, which was the series’ 10th and final season, only if production on the show would be finished by January, 2004, so she could focus on her film career.

* At least three performers, ‘Bruce Willis (I)’ , Christina Applegate and Paul Rudd have guest-starred on episodes of the show after doing a film with one of the regular cast members. Willis and Applegate won Emmys for their guest turns.

* The theme song performed by The Rembrandts became a #1 single on the American pop charts.

* The characters’ full names are: – Rachel Karen Green – Phoebe Buffay (in “The One Where They All Turn Thirty” 7.14, she says that never knew her middle name since she had never seen her birth certificate and her twin sister, Ursula, had sold it to a Swedish runaway) – Joseph Francis Tribbiani Jr – Chandler Muriel Bing – Ross Eustace Geller – Monica Elizabeth Geller

* Out of the six friends, Chandler is the only one to not have any siblings. Rachel has two sisters, Monica and Ross are brother and sister, Phoebe has a twin, and Joey has seven sisters.

* After Rachel left her fiancée, Barry, at the altar in the pilot, her best friend Mindy then became engaged to Barry. Mindy was played by Jennifer Grey. Both Jennifer Aniston and Jennifer Grey played Jeanie Bueller in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986). Grey played her in the movie, Aniston played her in the television series.

* The creators of the Portuguese show “Gato Fedorento” say that the inspiration for the name of the show was the song “Smelly Cat”.

* Chandler’s parents, Charles and Nora Bing, were named after the favorite Thin Man series character Nora Charles; one half of a very famous movie detective couple of the thirties.

* The opening credits sequence in which the stars dance in a fountain was shot in Warner Bros LA lot at 4am. The water was kept heated through a pump. The group was given the words to the Rembrandts song but it was not playing in the background because the song had not been recorded. Jennifer Aniston is seen lip syncing the song in the opening and closing credits.

* In the opening credits to part-two of the Vegas story line, all of the names in the opening (actors and crew) were changed to have “Arquette” at the end of them, a gag on Courteney Cox-Arquette who had just recently married David Arquette.

* The final episode aired on 6 May 2004.

* James Michael Tyler, Elliott Gould and Christina Pickles are the only non-Friends who were in all 10 seasons. ‘Maggie Wheeler ‘ had a voice-over role in the episode where Chandler and Monica make Valentine gifts for each other in Season Six, but she had no camera time for the entire season.

* Whenever Tom Selleck made his initial on-set appearances, he received standing ovations. These would render his entrances unusable, prompting the need for later re-shoots without the audience.

* No Friend ever made more money doing the show than any others. They started out making $22,500 per episode and ended up making $1million per show. All negotiations were done in unison. Kudrow said, “The six of us are far stronger than just one person.”

* The original idea for the show was going to focus on four characters with Phoebe and Chandler in supporting roles. In the early stages the creators toyed with the idea of Chandler being gay. They changed their mind when they met Matthew Perry. They did, however, insert many jokes about Chandler having gay mannerisms (not knowing about sports, loving show tunes, etc.).

* In the pilot Barry’s surname is Finkel. In later episodes, his name has been changed to Barry Farber.

* The refrigerators in Monica’s and Joey’s apartments actually worked. Monica’s was filled with water and other drinks for the cast and crew. Joey’s was usually virtually empty, unless the inside of the fridge was going to be seen in a specific scene.

* Joey’s address is 90 Bedford St. Apt. 19, New York, NY 10014.

* Monica’s address is 90 Bedford St. Apt. 20, New York, NY 10014.

* Phoebe’s address is 5 Morton St. Apt. 14, New York, NY 10014

* Gunther didn’t have a name until the middle of the second season.

* Courteney Cox is the only regular cast member to not receive an Emmy nomination for their work on the show.

* Joey’s (Matt LeBlanc) picture on the wall of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy is a still from the short Leave ‘Em Laughing (1928).

* The artwork in Central Perk is changed every three episodes.

* Joey’s statue of a white dog was originally given to Jennifer Aniston as a good luck present from her best friend when she started acting. She offered to lend it to the show for the episode where Joey became rich and bought a lot of stuff. After that episode, the producers decided to keep it.

* On the set, Matt LeBlanc was known as “LeBlanc” by all the cast and crew, and Matthew Perry was known as “Matthew” or “Matt”. This was started by the crew to avoid confusion. Additionally, David Schwimmer was referred to as “Schwim” among the crew.

* Occasionally, NBC would air “Super-sized” episodes of their most popular sitcoms, including Friends. These episodes would run 40 minutes including commercials (or just around 30 minutes without). In syndication, a majority of the “Super-sized” episodes were cut down to fit a 30-minute time slot, except for the rare case where there was both too much plot info essential to the episode or series, and there were enough deleted scenes to make a two-episode story arc.

* The orange couch used in Central Perk was found in the basement of the Warner Bros. studio.

* For almost the entire first season, there wasn’t a street outside of Central Perk, just a painted backdrop. They made the window a little blurry and put many plants in front of the window to hide it.

* Monica has eleven categories for towels.

* For all the cliffhangers they had to remove the audience then continue filming so that nobody knew what was going to happen.

* Chandler’s father’s gay Las Vegas burlesque show is named Viva Las Gaygas.

* Phoebe’s alias name is “Regina Phalange.” Phalanges are the small bones that make up the hands and feet.

* The story line of Phoebe having her brother’s babies was thought up when Lisa Kudrow announced her real-life pregnancy. However, as she was not big enough to be having triplets, and the show was shot in “TV time”, the costumers had to pad her to make her look bigger for the show.

* There have been eight Oscar winning actors/actresses who have appeared on Friends. Charlton Heston, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Helen Hunt, Julia Roberts, Reese Witherspoon, Robin Williams, and George Clooney.

* Of all the titles, the Friend’s names appear individually as so: Rachel (21 times), Ross (19 times), Joey (13 times), Phoebe (10 times), Chandler (9 times), and Monica (7 times). Also, Ross and Rachel appears 4 times, Joey and Rachel appears 3 times, Monica and Chandler 2 times, and Ross and Monica appears once in the episode titles.

* The original plan for the season 9 Thanksgiving was to bring back Reese Witherspoon as Jill Green, however Witherspoon was unavailable so the writers re-wrote the role as Amy Green and cast Christina Applegate in the role.

* Behind the scenes, the show was known for its unusually cohesive and unified cast. The six main actors made deliberate efforts, from early on, to keep the show’s ensemble format and not allow one member to dominate; notably for a show of its length, the six principals each appeared in every episode of the run. This included requesting that all actors on the show be nominated either for the same category of award (Supporting Actor until 2001, then Lead Actor from 2002 onwards) or not at all, and entering collective instead of individual salary negotiations. The actors became such close friends that one guest star, Tom Selleck, reported sometimes feeling left out. The cast remained good friends after the show’s run, most notably Cox and Aniston, with Aniston being godmother to Cox and David Arquette’s daughter, Coco.

* Several times throughout the series the cast can be seen with Safeway Select products, which are available in California where the show is taped but not in New York where the show takes place.

for more, read: Wikipedia, TV, IMDB

P.S: Sourced from the Internet Movie DataBase!:)
a ‘boo’ is also intended universally for all morons, who are apparently missing out on the joy of a lifetime!

Categories: snist04 | 3 Comments

Traditional Day at SNIST…

Traditional Day at SNIST

for once SNIST looked like a place, where 19 year olds do exist!

first a dress code…read Dress Code Menace

then an out cry!… read Dress Code Blues

then they rollback…and agree on a day which will without a doubt would go down as the most colorful day in SNIST’s history!

the most ideal way of presenting this story would have been to post some pictures of all the eye candy!:)
…but we didn’t want to put all the faculty to shame…for they were still draped in their FORMALS 🙂
or maybe we chose not to give the free meal to the Mortals who absconded the Event!

It was indeed about the clothes after all…no one seemed to be in their classes…everyone was eager to click their own selfs into their digital memories!

11th April 2008 would for sure be remembered as the day…”the Change” happened!

if this post makes you eager to have peep at the pics…maybe you should try the SNIST community on Orkut!…every second profile there…carries some!

heres to the Enlightened Elite, who brought the required approvals!

heres hoping, that these colorful vibes carry on to other events as well,
Freshers Parties…Sprihaa(if at all it ever happens again…)…etc…

P.S: SNIST celebrated it’s annual day(on 12th & 13th April) at Banjara Hills!
the reason given for not doing it in the college campus, “Anticipatory Rains in the Summer of 2008!:)” …hmm… change indeed takes time!

Categories: snist04 | 1 Comment

Tempesta Tecnica…a non ‘PictoBrowser’ Review:)

I have exhausted two yahoo accounts for hosting the PictoBrowser after every significant event at SNIST, so I felt, I should not bother Flickr for the time being…and trust my own instincts on giving an opinion about the event mentioned above!

Tempesta Tecnica

Continuing the obsession with foreign languages, the guys from CSE-05 came up with Name…Tempesta Tecnica…meaning “Technical Storm!”…or whatever!
Remember how VoxPopuli was obsessed with French during Odyssey!

Personally I consider throwing new words, which are not readily digestible,
a parallel to “Faking an Accent!”

But it was heartening to know that all Italian ended with the Title, unlike Vox, which had to sell French to English Dictionaries at their helpdesk!

Tempesta Tecnica (referred to as TT from here on…) was the brainchild of an elite few from CSE-05.

…before going into what the fest was like…let us first frame some opinions on Branch specific Technical Festivals!

Start of Role-play…
The Optimist: TO
The Pessimist: TP

TO: it is a great move, as it opens a window for more number of people to Organize and Compete at a competitive level!
TP: it may lead to the competent lot from non EEE branches absconding Flagship events like Adastra and succumb to petty branch loyalties!

TO: each organizing team would try to have the creative edge by churning out more innovative events for their fest!
TP: the rhetoric of paper presentation would still continue, a student might end up submitting the same paper at multiple events.

TO: the drive to get sponsors would be frenzied, as the prize money is perceived as the most important selling point of any fest!
TP: it might create unnecessary tensions within the college!

TO: for any college to emerge as a brand, individual branches should have creative autonomy!
TP: that autonomy should not divide the larger framework…that is the college itself!

TO: healthy competition among branches provides for an accelerated drive towards excellence!
TP: with a reservation driven system, competition among branches can have its ill effects!

TO: it helps in uniting all the folks from a particular branch, and might also create higher technical output…as the best brains come together for a common cause!
TP: the non technical part might not be at its best, since it’s not guaranteed that all the branches have the required expertise in those domains!

TO: it eats into lots of working days!
TP: maybe provides more days for cheer than gloom at SNIST! ~

TO: we are only one fest old….it might be premature to draw conclusions from what we have seen!
TP: no…Yes….but still!

…End of Role-play!

Now coming back to TT…
Firstly…I think, the website was well managed…and most importantly it did show up on Google within 2 weeks of its existence…a lesson to be learnt for all other events!

The technical events were handled professionally!…no issues there!

The nontech part clearly showed the lack of experience in the… Organizers!
Though the organizational patterns of most nontech events were amateurish, the ideas behind the events were well conceived and creative, which was a welcome change from the run of the mill types at Adastra!

Last but not the least… Gaming!
If at all there was a branch that could pull off gaming at it’s best…it was CSE!
Not that it produces the best Gamerz…but the support and freedom we get from the higher echelons of power is unmatched!…thx for that…hope this continues!

TT…attracted the best clans and racers from Hyderabad!
With the winner of CounterStrike (Team Tigers!) walking away with a cool ‘7grand’ which is a record for all events ever held at SNIST!

To keep it simple…if the organizers could have an honest rating of the event…
Given their potential…time constraints…and other logistics…
A Critic’s Rating for TT would be 6-7/10!

snist04 always prides itself in raising the plateau at which SNIST is looked upon!

I think TT-08 is the first step by snist05 to create the mountains…on this plateau (aka…CSE)!…hope other mountains rise too..!
No matter what happens from here on…I think it would make for a pretty good landscape!:)

… Here’s to CSE-05 for pulling it off!

Now for some personal musings…
TT-08 … the Aftermath…

To the Female Anchor:
“Do not keep the mike that close to your mouth! (Aka DONT SHOUT)”

To the Male Anchor:
“If you can’t churn out the lines, better write them down!”

To all the dignitaries on the Dias:
“Please make interesting speeches!”

To the HOD:
“Please give longer speeches!” & “a standing ovation for Team TT is a politically incorrect move”

To the Dean of SCSI:
“Please don’t read the certificates”

To Mr NagaSrinivasa:
“a Student Portal on the SNIST website might be the answer to the problems…you have…(Aka…reaching out to the newbies!)” & “remember…the phrase,’…coded by Spy’!”

To the Guys at Gaming:
“Do not budge to every silly complaint!…show the morons…who the boss is!”

To the folks at the Reg Desks:
“Keep more change!” & “do more homework on the event you are selling”

To the Lab assistants:
“Do not interfere in things, which the students are better at”

To the Orgs of NonTech events:
“Let the person who conceived the event, host it”

To the Guy handling the Prizes:
“Announce the Prize before you take the Reg Fee:)”

To the guys who wore black shirts and did no work!:
“Congts!, on your free meal!”

To all the Guys from CSE:
“Do not abscond other events!”

To the Orgs of next year:
“Invite your Seniors… :)!”

Role-play is a conversation between Guitarist & Spy!

Categories: snist04 | 2 Comments

SNIST…a walkthrough!

–>We donot endorse any of the prose written…but we do appreciate & applaud the attempt!<--

Categories: snist04 | 2 Comments

to ‘T’ or not to ‘T’…: L.I.V.E Version!

different people would have different interpretations of the title above!

it’s been a long time since i last painted this space
…probably have my, “special person” to blame!
must say quite a few things have changed since…
VJ has done a grt job with the look of the Blog…
or did he?

…wats the whole funda behind putting up banners of coll events here?
and tht moving banner for, “Wanna Write here?”…duh?

by the way…we do have eight writers at this Space!
…& they do Exist!:(…or do they?:)…anyways…!
“Guitarists are not made, they are Born!” … hehe!:)

anyways coming back to the Title!
what could the letter T mean for a person?
->the 20th Alphabet!
->a T Shirt!
->Tribbiani…ahh yes we love Friends!

(for the lesser informed F.R.I.E.N.D.S is a Popular Comedy Show!)
->Texas…ahh yes we love CowBoys!…no!

…not in the “Brokeback Mountain” Sense!
->Telangana…well if you did have the patience to go through the last post by Spy! … wosh…what a diplomatic overdose that was!
here is a question: “Who according to Spy would be the right Leader to handle this issue, if he tries to remain so painfully Neutral!?”

…and here is a thought!
tht KCR guy(…yah the one who has a fascination for PINK!)
should go out with a single point agenda into his byelection!
say…”Do you want Telangana…Yes or No”
now, as we are talking about his party’s StrongHold … i.e. Karimnagar!
we presume tht he would win it without much hassle!
so…how about all the parties withdrawing their candidates…
and have one consesus person!
someone with a larger than life persona!

…someone who can attract the masses!
say, if a Chiranjeevi could be bold enough to use this as his launchpad into politics!…saying that he is against the two state theory!
so tht would make it a one on one situation!…and would truely stand as a referendum!…and close the issue once and for all!
i say this…because there is a very important need to realize,

‘wats this movement all about!?’
if it is(as Spy indicated) merely about evoking petty sentiments among the masses, without constructive policy plans…then i seriously believe that a populist candidate like Chiranjeevi can prove the Truth!

…and yes this being just a byelection
…he would do no harm to his political future!

ahh…what crap!
(now that would be a mere possibility even in an Ideal World!)

a realistic prediction would be!
byelections would not happen anyway!…coz the general election would take place within the next six months(ahh..yes Nuke Deal!)

…there ends the story!
status quo would be maintained in the Assembly!…and another five years of the ‘T’ debate…on ‘T’V9!…so chill!

so what else with the letter ‘T’?
–>> ‘T’ for Talk!
i must confess that i have a fancy for courting controversy

…so lemme just ‘Talk!’

->Mr.VLCC renewed his contract with VLCC

… Odyssey is indeed round the corner!

->Spy says…the website for Odyssey recieved 200+ clicks from this very Blog!…does someone owe a thanks?!

->staying with Odyssey…the one thing missing on tht site would be a “French to English” dictionary!

…i am not even sure, if the event names are French!

->one of my friends actually went ahead and launched a portal for Students from SNIST!…i must say we all love everything about that Space including the banners!:)…except for the ‘Blog’…”hum saath saath hain”!…and yea, we do appreciate reciprocal links!:)

->Google is finally listing this Blog in it’s top ten links for ‘snist’!

->the ‘snist03‘ guys are furthering their legacy with their ‘fourwaystreet‘!
…a strongly recommended ‘must read’ for prospective passouts!

->At 46 Barack Obama, is running for Washington!
…the next time your DAD says Suhas Gopinath…hehe…need i say more!

->….and yah…the only thing VJ did write in this Blog

….was about the BasketBall court getting ready by Oct 2007!:)

->it’s the first week March and there isnt a Scent of Sprihaa yet!
…all the more reason to say Kudos to the guys doing Odyssey!

->4-2 is the wierdest of all semisters!…many of my friends have started coming to college for the first time this week!
…no wonder there is such a rush in the grounds these days!

->we thought we had the ‘worst’ with the Software Engineering guy!
…we were wrong!
we have a similar subject…with an even bigger specimen!

…well that only means more FUN!

well if our Admin doesn’t remove me after this post, i for sure will write about him in the future!…no!…not the Admin!
…but the “Bigger Specimen Guy”!~

until then,

P.S: In an Information age, Computers do Qualify as Special Persons!

Categories: SNIST-Blog, snist04 | 2 Comments

to ‘T’ or not to ‘T’…

…political musings of an urban youth!

“arey…!…even he is also from Mechanical…” :PNR (since 1997-:)

Prejudice is the root cause of all Rebellion!

I request everybody reading the following article, to go through this writeup & the related external links completely, before forming their opinions on this Issue!

What was the one topic, that most of us were Averse to take up when a certain faculty from the Sc&Hum Dept was trying to conduct a GD in a half Empty Class 🙂

Some of us feared it!
some of us didnt know much about it!
some of us couldnt speak!
some of us couldnt speak in English!!:)

whatever be the reason, i think this was the one topic on which people had the greatest inhibitions coming out, “for or against”!

the attempt in this writeup…is not to find the solutions but to find the reasons!
Reasons, both for & against…which might help us make the right decision in our imminent electoral future!

The Issue: Seperate Statehood for Telangana … Yes or No …!!

before we proceed, lets first have a proper GeoPolitical understanding of the areas under Question!
please read the articles below completely…before moving further!

now, for the question, “How was Andhra Pradesh formed?”
there was already a stance given in the one of the articles above!

“The States Reorganization Commission (SRC) was not in favour of merging the Telangana region with the then Andhra state. Para 382 of States Reorganization Commission Report (SRC) said “..opinion in Andhra is overwhelmingly in favour of the larger unit, public opinion in Telangana has still to crystallize itself”. The concerns of Telanganas were manifold. The region had a less developed economy than Andhra, but a larger revenue base (mostly because it taxed rather than prohibited alcoholic beverages), which Telanganas feared might be diverted for use in Andhra. They also feared that planned dam projects on the Krishna and Godavari rivers would not benefit Telangana proportionately even though Telanganas controlled the headwaters of the rivers. Telanganas feared too that the people of Andhra would have the advantage in jobs, particularly in government and education.”

now read the following article….to get the other perspective!

The formation of Andhra State

the other half seemed to be oppressed by the Tamils in the Madras Presidency….and so was the cry for a unified Telugu State!

“Hyderabad is culturally and socio-economically different from the rest of Telangana”

donot give in to political stunts like these:

Letter to the P.M by the Telangana Forum!

make sure you read the comments posted on the blog entries mentioned above to get a wholesome idea!

if you did have the patience to go through all the above stuff!
you might have observed that, everything mentioned above talks about a certain Past! and what could have been a brighter Today!

but the question is, what have the incumbent leaders from the region been doing over the past 50 years!
if all they could do was to merely sit and cry about someone else looting them, and hoping that they would hand over the reigns some day!…well in which case we should have serious reservations on re-electing them…leave alone giving them a new state!

is there enough charismatic impetus to the whole cause!
as in…do the people of the region actually see a leader who can successfully lead the new state!

or is it a mere sentiment which everybody is trying to cashin….without any vision for the new state!

as of now… no party’s political agenda actually talks about….”what!… with the new state!”…. its merely….”we want the state!:(“

for example:
how is your position towards providing perks for the Industry going to change?
how are the irrigation facilities within the region going to be improved!?
what can be done to sustain the Trade & Commerce within the state and with the rest of the country!?….and how that would inturn provide better employment oppurtunities?
what could be done to reassure the NonLocal community…that a seperate state would not mean their marginalization! …like the MNS situation in Maharashtra!?
thx…to the uncouth Polity of the State…none of these seem to matter!

the most pertinent Question now is ….What Now?
leave the History…leave the Numbers…What Now?
is allround development of the state of Andra Pradesh possible?
if that means proportionate distribution of state revenues, keeping the underdevelopment of the certain regions in mind…are the political forces in the so called developed parts of Andhra Pradesh ready to sacrifice their share!

on the other hand, there are a lot of benefits in being a large state!
more say in the centre!
larger volumes of trade!
Brand Image of the State can be sustained!(which would be altered if there is a split)
an already established Political system!(which has to be revisited in the case of a new state)

given the pros & cons…the point is:
there are a lot of complications in addressing such issues
so, should this be left for the general public to decide?
is the majority always right?
given the very weak electoral system….where money works more than anything else!
is this in the best interest of the people of this state…to actually leave this to popular vote!
Popular Vote which is won by money, liqour, and film songs! 🙁
this actually Questions the logic behind people trying to go for a Referendum on this Issue!

the point is,
One State,
Two States,
Two States + a Union Territory
wouldnt solve any of the problems, which the current Polity is cribbing over!
may tht be the flouride problem in Nalgonda,
lack of irrigation,
Electricity….or anything…

as a of matter of fact all M.P’s & M.L.A’s are allocated a Lord’s Fund of Rs 2 crore every year with Independent charge, by the Goverment for Infrastructure development in their Constituency!
…and most of them dont spend a pint of it!

the Answer to all such questions would be…Action!
Action in which a common man is taken into confidence and Action in which there is a sense of resposibility and accountability towards the People of this State!

In the course of such action, if the polity believes that, “dividing A.P into two or keeping it United”, is the right way forward, then there shouldnt be any problem!

for which the onus lies on our shoulders to choose the right people to Lead Us!

p.s: a concious effort has been made, not to take names of the polity involved, for or against the cause, this i hope would prove the fact that this post has no political affiliation with any of the parties involved! this post professes the need for a thourough Debate before a Conclusion is drawn on this Issue!

Categories: snist04 | 3 Comments

the best of Adastra-08 @ SNIST

i will let the pictures speak…

Categories: snist04 | 2 Comments